Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hassling the Hoff in NYC

Among others, one thing you will learn from these stories is that my mom has an incredible amount of patience, tolerance, and thank God a great sense of humor.  This next story is a perfect illustration of these traits.

I can’t remember exactly when or why, but at some point in our lives my brother and I decided that my mom had a striking resemblance to David Hasselhoff.  Yes you read that right, we think our mom looks like the Hoff.  You can’t tell me you don’t see it.


Anyway, one year around Christmastime the family spent a weekend in New York City.  We went to see Les Miserable one night and as we were walking out we noticed a large crowd gathered on one of the side streets.  We all went over to investigate and asked one of the bystanders what was going on.

“We’re waiting for David Hasselhoff to come out.  His play, Jekyll & Hyde, just finished.”

There was NO WAY we were leaving.  A chance to see Mom’s twin…in the flesh…don’t mind if we do!  We were standing there patiently waiting when my brother started shouting, “THERE HE IS!!  IT’S HIM!  THERE HE IS!”

Simultaneously the whole crowd starting looking back and forth for the Hoff.  But no one saw him.  Was He crazy?? (by the way I call my brother He) I turned to ask He where exactly I should be looking.  But I never got to ask. 

With his arm outstretched pointing at my mom he started shouting again, “FALSE ALARM! IT’S JUST MY MOM! SORRY ABOUT THAT! JUST MY MOM, FALSE ALARM!!”

The entire crowd turned to look.  My mom stood frozen; a deer in the headlights.  The remaining four of us keeled over in hysterics.

After about a full minute spent frozen, she came back to life, looked at my brother, “CHRIS! What is WRONG with you?!?”  and walked away.

Apparently you CAN hassle the Hoff!!

(Sorry Mom, I know I said you could proofread any story about you, but I couldn’t risk you saying no to this one ☺  LOVE YOU!!)


  1. 4 of you??? ah pretty sure i was there for that momentous occasion!

  2. you + me + He + Bno = 4 c'mon shelb, that's elementary math!!!
    Mom was the deer in the headlights

  3. i can't believe your mom never put you up for adoption.


  4. Love it! Never saw the resemblance before....but now it's hard to miss. Will never watch America's Got Talent without thinking of your mom again.

  5. My comment is, I am very grateful my children have made my life so interesting in so many ways - including public humiliation. The good news is I have a long memory and you know what they say about payback.
